Acupuncture Patient Relationship Management
From talking to acupuncturists, it quickly becomes apparent that relationships with patients is very important. We believe that patient relationships are key to running a successful practice. So much of our focus to date has been thinking and building around this core idea of an Acupuncture Patient Relationship Management (aPRM).
What is Acupuncture Patient Relationship Management?
We see the Acupuncture Patient Relationship Management platform as facilitating a more holistic and communicative relationship between patients and TCM practitioners. aPRM at it’s core is a patient relationship management from which all your TCM and practice management data is interconnected and flows through. Think of it as the central view of your patient from where you can easily access his/her contact details, SOAP Notes, recent appointments, receipts and communication history. See the example below which shows a fictitious patient profile. (You can click on the image for a larger view.)