Minto Tsai

Minto Tsai

Why don't more acupuncturists take insurance?

Why don’t more acupuncturists take insurance? From my many discussions, acupuncturists don’t take insurance for many reasons. The top reasons are insurance doesn’t cover acupuncture and dealing with insurance companies

Acupuncture Chatbots: A New Way to Schedule Appointments

Technology moves FAST. As a technology company, we’re always looking to stay innovative and see how new technology can be used to benefit you, the acupuncturist, and your practice. Chatbots have been

What Acupuncturists Need to Know about the Cloud?

The Cloud. The word conjures up images of white, fluffy blobs in the sky. Cloud computing, what we’ll be talking about today is entirely different. To many, it also makes them think

Introducing: Patient Intake for iPad & Android Tablets

The Patient Intake app for iPad and Android Tablets is now live on both Apple AppStore and Google Play Store! Acupuncturists on Jasmine can now accept patient information, health history, and e-signature signed