Can acupuncturists send birthday emails?

Do you like your birthday? It’s the day you were born!

I think most people like their birthday, me included, even if the celebration of it can be a bit awkward.

If you’re not sending birthday emails to your patients, in the following post, I’ll give you some tips.

Why send birthday emails?

To build and grow your patient relationships, you need to realize that many patients want to know their healthcare provider cares about them individually, in addition to their health and well-being.

At the core, this is customer service and marketing for your practice.

Wishing your patients Happy Birthday is a simple way to show them you care!

Is it HIPAA?

Sending birthday emails does NOT violate HIPAA. But, there are a few things you should know.

The most important thing is to get consent and to make it explicit to patients that they can opt-out from your mailing list.

Also, since patients’ full birthdates are considered Personally Identifiable Information or PII, you don’t want to include them in your emails.

Where to collect birthdates?

The first step is to start collecting your patients’ birthdates.

Most practices are already doing this as part of the intake process. If you’re not, you’ll want to start!

After collecting your patient’s birthdates, you’ll want to make sure they’re entered into your practice management system, CRM, or email marketing tool, like MailChimp.

How to automate?

You want to put your birthday emails on autopilot.

Using a system to remind you of patient birthdays will help you in sending them out.

A simple solution is to schedule birthdates in your calendar, like a Google Calendar, that reminds you to send your birthday emails.

However, this still requires the manual step of emailing.

To be more advanced, you’ll want to use a system that automatically sends the emails for you.

How should emails look?

Your emails should be short and simple.

The important thing to remember is to avoid including Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI).

How does Jasmine help?

Jasmine helps you with the collection of birthdates with electronic intake forms.

In addition, Jasmine will automatically send birthday emails on the patients’ birthday.

The birthday emails in Jasmine can be customized and personalized by you for your patient.

Happy Birthday to YOU… 🎶

Minto Tsai

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