Download the 2018 Marketing Calendar for Acupuncturists!

Have you started thinking about your 2018 marketing plans?

The New Year brings new opportunities to grow your practice! And, marketing is the way you create those opportunities.

This year, you might think about trying a new marketing channel you’ve never tried before.

To get your creative juices flowing, here are some marketing channel ideas acupuncturists are talking about:

  • Email marketing
  • Print ads
  • Facebook ads
  • Meetups
  • Blogging
  • Podcasting
  • YouTube videos
  • Instagram

In addition to choosing a marketing channel, marketing around special events and dates in the year gives you the benefit of riding on the coattails of the marketing buzz already around those events.

This is where the marketing calendar comes in. To help you organize your marketing plan around these yearly events for maximum impact!

I hope this helps your 2018 marketing plans!

Happy New Year!

Minto Tsai

P.S. If this helped you, please Like, Share, email… all the social network love you can give!