How Acupuncturists Can Use For Fun and Profit!

As an acupuncturist and business person, not only do you treat and care for your patients, you also need to bring new patients in the door.

One of the mantras of business is to “go where your customers are.”

Instead of sitting around and waiting for patients to call, being proactive with your marketing can be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful practice.

An underutilized tool for finding new patients is That’s right, the online tool for like minded people to meet each other and connect.

Here’s how to can use for your practice!

Go to the website.

The first step is to make your way to the website! Just click on the link below!

Select your location

Next, click on the location link and enter your city or zip code.

Search for a meetup

In the search box, enter a search term for a meetup you’re interested in and with people who might be interested in your practice.

I would start with some of your own interests. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • health
  • fitness
  • mindfulness
  • meditation
  • herbalism
  • medicine

Signup for a meetup

Once you’ve chosen a meetup group, join the group and signup to go to your first meetup! Exciting!

Go to a meetup

Going to your first meetup is fun and exciting. You’ll get to meet new people and learn new things.

Make connecting with people your primary focus of your first few meetings. Feel the meetup out before making any business introductions, but don’t be opposed to it if the opportunity arises!

Make time and effort to introduce yourself to the organizer(s) and thank them for putting together the meetup!

Present at a meetup

After a few meetups and you’ve gotten comfortable with the group of people, offer to present at a meetup. Meetup organizers are often short of presenters!

Questions? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you.

Minto Tsai

P.S. If this helped you, please Like, Share, email… all the social network love you can give!