Introducing: Acupuncture Patient Satisfaction Surveys

As an acupuncturist, how do you know you’re getting better?

Imagine, a patient just walked in the door with one of the most difficult problems you’ve ever faced. You reach deep into your many years of experience and learnings and pull out an obscure rarely used set of needle points. You’re ecstatic that those brain cells still exist!

After the hour treatment, your patient gets up feeling great! And that stiff right hand is swinging like he’s Muhammad Ali!

The praises start flowing and you get showered with a barrage of “Thank you’s!”

But then, you never hear from the patient. Did she get better? Were the praises sincere?

As you might know, most feedback is useless. Most practices will leave it up to chance that a patient sends you the occasional critical and useful feedback that you can actually take action on.

Some of you might have even had that “oh shit” moment where a patient goes on Yelp or Facebook and wrote a critical comment for the world to see.

One of the most powerful systems that any acupuncturist and clinic can implement is a continuous feedback loop.

Continuous Feedback Loop

A continuous feedback loop is, as the name suggests, a proactive system you put in place to elicit comments from patients about you and your services.

It’s proactive in that you are actively seeking the advice.

It’s a system, meaning that, it’s a routine and required step built into your patient lifecycle management as a practitioner and business.

Patient Satisfaction Survey

A patient satisfaction survey is an easy way to implement a continuous feedback loop into your practice.

After every appointment, ask your patients to fill out a quick survey with one or two questions asking about their experience at the practice.

One of the best questions to ask is “How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or family member?”

This question is an NPS score (Net Promoter Score) and it measures the willingness of customers to recommend your product or services.

With this simple question, you can unpack a lot about your patient’s experience at your practice.

The Ego

What may be the hardest thing about implementing a continuous feedback loop, is yourself and your ego.

As a society, we rarely ask for critical feedback. Mainly because we don’t want to face our own inadequacies or failures. It hurts!

But the opposite hurts even more in the long term, which is never knowing that you’re doing something wrong.

Once you’re willing to suspend the Ego and start learning from your mistakes, is when you and the practice will improve.

How Jasmine Helps

I’m excited to introduce a new feature in Jasmine that help you and your practice implement a continuous feedback loop and patient satisfaction surveys into your patient lifecycle management flow.

After a patient’s appointment, Jasmine will automatically send a patient satisfaction survey to your patient to fill out.

The data and feedback is stored in Jasmine and can be viewed and reported on to improve yourself as a practitioner and business!

Questions? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you.

Minto Tsai

P.S. If this helped you, please Like, Share, email… all the social network love you can give!