Multi-room Online Patient Scheduling

One of the many great things about being an acupuncture medical professional is the the ability to scale yourself and treat and help multiple people at the same time. For acupuncturists, the uniqueness of this trait presents a problem in finding an online patient scheduling service to fit this need. Many times, acupuncturists make unhealthy modifications and workarounds to existing online patient scheduling services to be able to manage multiple rooms.

Now, with Jasmine Practice Management, acupuncturists no longer need to force a product to fit their needs. Jasmine Practice Management supports multi-room scheduling from the online patient scheduling widget.

Acupuncturists are now empowered to have patients self schedule and fully utilize all the office’s resources to treat and care for patients.

As always, I love to hear from you. Feel free to drop me a line. You can reach me at

Minto Tsai