Second Beta Users Meetup

We held our second Beta User meeting on 15 Aug 2013. In order to accommodate our growing beta user group (now with members outside of Austin), we decided to try to meet using Google Hangout. The beta users were excited to try a new technology for the meeting (gee, you think that is why these folks are helping develop new technology for acupuncture practice management?).
Our meeting began on time and we had Minto and I in front of one computer and four others joining in from their different locations. The audio and video was acceptable (thanks Google) and we started the meeting with a screen share presentation of the new features delivered in our most recent release. 
The new features delivered are
  • Google Calendar Integration
  • Pain Level and Reporting

Google Calendar Integration

The Google calendar integration was well received and will be adopted by one of the beta users who is using a Google calendar to coordinate different practitioners using a shared space.
Using this new Google Calendar integration means the appointment only needs to be scheduled in the Jasmine calendar and then the other practitioners will be able to see the appointment in the shared Google calendar. To remain HIPPA compliant we restrict the information which is written in the appointment seen in the Google calendar.
Any updates or cancellations to the appointment in the Jasmine calendar will also update the Google calendar.

Pain Level and Reporting

The pain level and reporting feature is part of the shared vision of creating tools so the acupuncturist can rapidly track and communicate patient progress.
To this end a new “pain level” field was added to the SOAP Notes record and a new report was added which will graph the change in pain level over time for a single client.
The system will automatically keep this graph up to date as long as pain level information is recorded in the SOAP Notes for the client.
Take a look at the video to learn more about this functionality.

The meeting concluded with a each participant giving feedback on working with their Jasmine Practice Management instance. This was a very positive exchange about what was working and what needs improvement.
Tony Godwin