What's New: Ability to confirm, cancel, & reschedule appointments and more

What's New: Ability to confirm, cancel, & reschedule appointments and more

Confirm, cancel, & reschedule appointments from email

Add the ability for patients to confirm, cancel, and reschedule appointments to your email templates.

Cancel appointment through SMS

Patients can now cancel appointments through text/sms by typing “CANCEL”.

Dropdown for set status

Easily set the appointment status from the appointment popup.

Prevent service name from being changed after used on event

When editing appointments, the administrator will at times accidentally change the name of the service.
Safe guards have been added to prevent this.

Report for No Activity for 30 Days

A new report has been added to help identify patients that have not been seen for more than 30 days.
Be Safe. Be Well.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you… 
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