What's New: Calendar Updates and more

What's New: Calendar Updates and more

Calendar Updates

Location Filter on Calendar

For multi-location practices, you can filter appointments based on location to easily view appointments. 

In addition, day views will show locations as swim lanes.  

Better Calendar Popup

The calendar popup is more consistent and stable. 

Default to Logged in User When Scheduling

For multi-practitioner offices, the create appointment widget now defaults to the logged in user.

Default Service Dropdown to Previously Selected Service

The create appointment widget caches the most recently used service to help speed up scheduling. 


Add advanced tab

The create appointment widget now has an Advanced tab.

You can change the appointment end time, mark All day events, and Out-of-Office. All without leaving the widget.

Booking Site Updates

Add reason for visit

Patient can now provide a reason for the visit when booking an appointment online. 

Booking Policy

A booking policy can be added for patients to see when booking an appointment online. 


Show service description on booking site

Patients will now see service descriptions. Providing them with more details. 


Print paper custom forms

When printing paper intake forms, the custom forms will also be printed.

Lightning: Print Multiple Soap Notes

Patients and practitioners will sometimes request soap notes for past treatments. Easily print multiple soap notes.

SMS: Default reply message

Customize a default text reply message for when patients reply to your text reminders.

Be Safe. Be Well.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you… 
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