What's New: Custom Notifications, Set Appointment Status in Calendar by Jasmine, and Automatically Reconcile Receipts from Insurance Claim Payment Rep
Custom Notifications
In Lightning, you will now see notifications for background actions happening within Jasmine.
Notifications brings your attention to important actions.
Current, notifications include new online patient appointments, completed intake forms, and insurance claim payment report reconciliations.
By clicking on a notification, Jasmine will present the associated record.
More notifications to come…
Calendar by Jasmine: Set Appointment Status
In the Calendar by Jasmine mobile app, you can now update your patient’s appointment status while on the go.
This is helpful when a patient calls to confirm or cancel an appointment.
Automatically Reconcile Receipts from Insurance Claim Payment Report
Jasmine can now automatically reconcile your receipts based on your insurance claim payment report.
Payments will now automatically be created on the receipt and linked to the service line item.
Be Safe. Be Well.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you…
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