What's New: Treatment / SOAP Notes Template for Acupuncture, Refund Payments, and Multiple Patients with Same Email

What's New: Treatment / SOAP Notes Template for Acupuncture, Refund Payments, and Multiple Patients with Same Email

Treatment / SOAP Note Template for Acupuncture

To speed up treatment notes, you can create templates to populate fields on your treatment note. 
Create multiple templates for different treatment types.
Below is an image of the flow practitioner can use to add their templates. 
Notice at the bottom, the different branches for template types.

Refund Payments

You can now refund credit card payments previously processed through Stripe.

Allow multiple patients with the same email address to book appointments

Sometimes you have patients who share email addresses. 
A common scenario is mother and child using one email address.
Now, when scheduling online, Jasmine will match name and email when determining which patient the appointment is scheduled for.

Be Safe. Be Well.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you… 
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